not you,but me

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i dance to my own rhythm baby,that's just me.don't ever give a damn about what people gotta say.i have a life that in some ways,might be,way better than yours..

Monday, May 23, 2011

How do i feel today?

i feel okay.well to tell you the truth,i feel bored.same routine every single day,even in weekends.watching tv,online,baring.nothing much to do makes me feel tired.penat otak plan apa nak buat hari ini,esok,tulat.

ps:tak suka orang banyak's okay.buat baik dibalas baik.buat jahat dibalas jahat kan.peace.


aLePonϟTa™ said...

pergi carik kerja lah wahai nisa oiii. haha

nisah lah said...

ahaha..i amat diperlukan di rumah.xboleh pegi mane2..

aLePonϟTa™ said...

hahaha perlu lah sangat. boring nak mati woh cuti 4 bulan ddok rumah

nisah lah said...

ahaha.kalau nk mati tu,duk umah ke keje ke,bole mati gak..tgh crk keje la ni.dpt offer keje tp jauh.xsggup tggl rumah weyh..huhu