not you,but me

My photo
i dance to my own rhythm baby,that's just me.don't ever give a damn about what people gotta say.i have a life that in some ways,might be,way better than yours..

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Names (Part 2)

some people mispronounced my name.
my kindergarten teacher called me Hanisha.(???) my tuition teacher called me Haslina,sometimes.(???)

some made fun of my name.
my schoolmates used to call me Honeystar.ha ha ha.funny huh? 

some people call me by celebrity's names.
my uncle used to call me Amy Mastura when i was a kid.and the last time i met him(last year i guess),he called me Maya Karin.(???) 
there is one time,i went to KLIA,a worker asked me whether i am Siti Nurhaliza's sister.(???) i smiled then drooled my eyes and walked away.
i loveeeeeeeeeeee Avril Lavigne.i used to dress like her.and right way,one of my cousin called me Avril Lavigne.(???) now,that i am a hijaber,he called me Yuna.(???) typical..
i was wearing my baju kurung,had my hair curled back then and some people called me Ana Raffali.
i bumped into my ex-schoolmate one day,and she called me Nora Elena (you know who is Nora,right?)
some of my current classmates called me Juju which is the 'nama timbangan timangan' of Juliana Evans.

i do not know whether i like being called by names,but one thing for sure.i do not hate it.but it does not mean that i like it.well,you know what i mean,right?i think it's kind of funny.mispronounced a very easypeasy name like 'Hanisah' seems absurd sometimes. Honeystar?aha.luckily the bear in the astronaut's suit is cute macam I kan? and sometimes,i wonder,which part of me resemble the features of the celebrities that made them calling me by these people's names.but i always end up not knowing.maybe only at a glance,i might look like them.just a glance.twice and more,tak kan?ahaha.


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